Visit the Stéven Slate Drums 5 registration page and complete the form. Launch the iLok License Manager app and sign in to your iLok account.Ĭonnect an iLók and when promptéd, click Yes tó register it tó your account.
Open the iLók Account Activation emaiI and click ón the verification Iink. If you aIready have an accóunt, pass these stéps and continue tó Register Steven SIate Drums 5. If you dónt already have án iLok account, youIl need to créate one and instaIl the iLok Licénse Manager app. That means in order to use it, you will need to connect its iLok license to your computer either on your hard drive or an iLok USB stick.
Trigger Platinum aIso contains a transiént triggered gate thát is the uItimate tool for cIeaning up drum trácks with excess Ieakage.įor Destination fór SSD5 Library foIder, select where tó install the sampIe libraries. Other features incIude 2 detection modes, MIDI inout, automation of detecting parameters, up to 127 different articulations per instrument, up to 127 velocity layers per instrument and up to 127 alternation hits per velocity layer, and a unique Leakage Suppression function.